We are being inundated with enquiries during this lockdown for a huge variety of jobs.
And we will always try to fit your job in but as a small business with heart, we must prioritise emergency jobs and vulnerable customers who desperately need their heating & hot water repaired.
As a local business, we will always prioritise the vulnerable and emergencies in our catchment area.
If you have booked a non-emergency job with us and we have to cancel to help someone more in need, then please be kind and understanding.
Most customers are amazing and understand that an elder or person of disability should never be without heating or hot water.
But of late, we are sadly finding that a minority of customers are not at all understanding to others less fortunate than them.
If we have to reschedule your booking to help someone more in need then please be kind, compassionate and don’t take it personally.
Because sadly we are finding that some customers are getting abusive and even going to far as to leave our business bad reviews.
So we are sorry Karen but your bathroom redesign or minor drip is not as important as a vulnerable elder with no heating or hot water.
We are doing our best in very difficult times, we are trying to stay positive - we are entering your home whilst trying to keep safe & keep your family safe too - we are all struggling with the vast repercussions of this pandemic.
If we do have to re-schedule your booking, we try give as much notice as possible, but emergencies tend to come in on the same day and so we have to make hard decisions that feel right and morally ethical for our business.

Plumbing and Heating is one of those professions where every job can and nearly always does incur delays, as we are walking into the unknown.
We try to allocate as much time for each job as possible, but given the unpredictable nature these can tend to run over.
This then has a ripple effect on other jobs. And whilst we try to give as much notice as humanly possible, it’s difficult if we’re on an unsafe gas job or in a poor mobile signal area (quite common in Cornwall).
In a pandemic world that seems more and more lacking in care for others circumstances, please bear with us as we try in to do the right thing by everyone.